GEORGE CLINTON Autograph Signed Sketched 2002 18x23 Music Concert Poster, ACOA
$ 110.99
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GEORGE CLINTON Autograph Signed Sketched 2002 18x23 Music Concert Poster, ACOAA 12x18 inch poster dated August 31, 2002 for a concert at
The KEE to Bala in Bala, Ontario
featuring "The Godfather of Funk," George Clinton and the P-Funk All Stars. The poster is both signed and sketched by George Clinton in black sharpie.
Notes: The poster is slightly bent, creased, and stained, as well has a small tear on the left edge.
For MORE made-to-order custom matting and framing inquiries, CONTACT US at northcollectors.com!
Mat size: 18x23 inches.
The autograph has been reviewed by
and is pre-certified authentic (#PC113424). You can confirm the validity of this certification by performing an online COA lookup.
This item has been reviewed and Pre-Certified
Online Only
by ACOA. The signature(s) on this item were authenticated as genuine, based on our professional review of the online scan/photograph. Notwithstanding, ACOA highly recommends additionally upgrading this item using our
Mail-In Authentication
service to finalize a physical inspection of the item.
North Collectors Co. is a RACC Trusted Seller, featured as RACC TS #130 on the Real Autograph Collectors Club's trusted seller list.